
Day 5 – Rancho Mirage, CA to Banning, CA – Headwinds

42 miles – 5.5 hours saddle time

(A note on saddle time: this is automatically calculated by my bike odometer and only counts the amount of time I am actually moving. Therefore, really hard days like this are going to show less saddle time than there actually was because I was off the bike resting, cursing the wind, etc. more often than days that are going well.)

I got up a little late, and set out at around 8am.

Outside my motel in the morning.

Outside my motel in the morning.

Another mountain shot.

Another mountain shot.

One more.

One more.

Palm Springs

Palm Springs

I stopped at a Burger King on the main street of Palm Springs, which was quite nice (Palm Springs, not BK). Anyway, heading north out of town I thought everything was going great, only to find when I reached the 10 that I did not take a turn that I was supposed to take to stay on the 111. Along the way I rode through one of the largest wind farms in North America.

Wind Farm

Wind Farm

More Wind Farms

More Wind Farms

What a shot. He was going around 40 at the time and my camera surprisingly did not flip out.

What a shot. He was going around 40 at the time and my camera surprisingly did not flip out.

More of the same.

More of the same.

So now I was a few miles farther East than I wanted to be. I spent around an hour trying to follow a path that I found on Google Maps to take me through the first part of the pass without getting on the 10 (now apparently illegal). I got to the road that was supposed to take me there, I got stopped by a fence saying it was private property. Lame.

I turned around and went back down the hill I had climbed, looked around, and saw no alternative to taking the 10, so I got on it, apparently illegally. (Note: it may have actually been legal and missigned, as I found out later that night on the internet.) Anyway, I hauled ass for the next two miles to the next exit, and got off and took a gravel path for a few miles. This was a horrible idea, and I ended up walking my bike for a while.

I invented a new game. It is called offroading with a fully-loaded tour bike! All the kids will be playing it.

I invented a new game. It is called offroading with a fully-loaded tour bike! All the kids will be playing it.

I eventually got to another road that I could actually ride on. I stopped at a McDonald’s and chilled for a little while, because I was exhausted from the wind.

I eventually got going, and had a route planned out to get to Banning without getting back on the 10. I start out up Fields Road, and come to a checkpoint for the Native American tribe who owned the land. I told them my situation, and they had no sympathy, and told me it was private land, and they turned me around and sent me back towards the I-10. I sighed, and turned around and looked for another route. I saw a Railroad Avenue that may or may not have been a real road the entire time, and started along it. I was going along (slowly due to the wind) and sure enough, another dirt and gravel path. I pushed the bike again, and eventually, finally, got to Banning. I was cruising down the main street of the town, saw a Travelodge, and got a room. I ordered takeout, and relaxed for the remainder of the night after such a brutal day.

Two quick postscripts: First I finally figured out how to use Google Maps correctly, so no more scrolling needed. Second, remember that this blog is updated M-F… so see you next week!

Written by in: America,Everything |


  • Henry says:

    Wow that wind sounded pretty damn terrible, must of been hellish to keep going.

    Sucks that you kept having to find a new way through, oh outdated maps how they suck.

    ANd I guess we’ll see ya again on Monday! The suspense will be killing us.

  • Kyle Askine says:

    I am sure that you will be able to handle the suspense.

    Thanks for the daily support!

  • Greg says:

    Have you adapted to the regimen quickly or are you quite sore when you get up each day?

  • Kyle Askine says:

    I wasn’t really ever all that sore muscularly, other than maybe the first few days. I have a very ‘sore’ knee now though, trying to figure out how to fix that. I just bought a pretty big knee brace, hopefully that helps. I also just moved my seat slightly, but it is pretty annoying, and I am worried about making it worse.

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