
Days 8 and 9 – Yorba Linda, CA to Pico-Robertson, CA – More Friends and a Long Ride

Day 8 – Yorba Linda to Pico-Robertson – 81 miles – 7.25 hours saddle time

Woke up in the morning, ate some breakfast at Tim’s house, and lazed around a little bit while I put off leaving. I eventually got going, and got on the Santa Ana River Bike Trail, which took me literally from right outside Tim’s door all the way down to Huntington Beach and the Pacific Ocean. This trail was convenient, but not all that nice, but there were a lot of bikers on it despite the nasty weather (it had been overcast and cold since Day 6 in LA).

Santa Ana River Trail

Santa Ana River Trail

Honda Center. I've been there before!

Honda Center. I\’ve been there before!

The Ocean!

The Ocean!

I got down to Huntington Beach and took a nice bike path on the beach for a while.

Sunset Point. I had to talk with several people here for several minutes because they were interested. A neat place full of old hippies.

Sunset Point. I had to talk with several people here for several minutes because they were interested. A neat place full of old hippies.

I then hopped on the Pacific Coast Highway for quite a few miles, which was nice for a while with a wide bike lane, and it was horrible for a while, with no bike lane and the most narrow right lane I have ever seen. And of course this happens in the bad neighborhoods, but I had to get on the sidewalk for a while to not be run over. Once I got back down to the ocean again I got back on another bike path, and lo and behold – the sun was there!

I ride down this path for many miles and love it. If I were to ever move out here though, I would have to work on my beach volleyball skills. It seems that is what everyone 18-34 does on the LA shore. I guess I could handle that since my dad allegedly played volleyball for his college team. Anyway, I talk to some people for a while on the bike path about my Surly and touring, and then head inland.

Never saw that before. There was a hang gliding place right there, but sadly no one was doing it.

Never saw that before. There was a hang gliding place right there, but sadly no one was doing it.

Sailboats heading to the Marina.

Sailboats heading to the Marina.

I get to Pico-Robertson and go to Wendy’s to get a burger and then to Starbucks to update my site. At right around 7 I get a phone call from the friend I am staying with that night, and I head over at around 7:30. We go get ice cream that they make in front of you, and then we relax for the rest of the night over tea.

Day 9 – Zero Day

Another day where not much happened, much to my delight. My buddy and I went to Venice Beach for some tasty breakfast (Benice – recommended) and then he swung me by REI so I could get a few more tubes and patches. They didn’t have the normal tubes there though in my size (700×35 presta if you must know) so I had to get some of the slime tubes. I figured they are worth a shot anyway, and once I change one in I will let everyone know how they work. I have also had a slow leak in the back tire for a while, but it stays full for an entire day if I just fill it in the morning, so I haven’t done anything about it yet.

Anyway, after that we head to his work (a tea shop in Century City – nice place) and then I walk back to the Starbucks near his apartment and get a ton of work done on the website. I chill for 6 hours or so there and then go back to Ian’s apartment, play him in a game of Chinese Chess (kinda sorta like Shoji – but with some really strange pieces) and then go to bed. Thanks to Ian and his roomates for their hospitality. I also want to thank Facebook, because without it I would not have seen Tim for the first time in 12 years or Ian for the first time in 8. So thanks Facebook, and thanks to my old friends for being so inviting!

Written by in: America,Everything |

1 Comment »

  • Henry says:

    Awesome stuff man.

    Great you’re at the pacific, and to be honest that view (Albeit crappy weather) was pretty cool.

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