
Day 17 – Big Sur, CA (Kirk Creek National Forest Campground) – Monterey, CA (Veterans Memorial City Park) – Questionable Campground

62 miles in 6.83 hours

I roll out before the other group again, ready to tackle the last two peaks in Big Sur. I quickly get to the town of Lucia and nab a couple of cookies, and then continue on my merry way.

Getting tired of these shots yet?

Getting tired of these shots yet?

Too bad.

Too bad.

Oooh, kilometers.

Oooh, kilometers.



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of the



I huff and puff through the mountains, but finally, at noon, I have gotten through the last thirty miles, and to the town of Big Sur, which is at the summit of the last peak. I stop for a sandwich, and then fly down the mountain, and into some pretty rolling countryside.

No more mountains?! Yay! Buildings on a hill.

No more mountains?! Yay! Buildings on a hill.

There are still cliffs though. And ocean.

There are still cliffs though. And ocean.

More flora.

More flora.

More flowers?!?!

More flowers?!?!

The wind isn’t as atrocious as it has been the last few days so I am making pretty good time, but there are these damn gulches, which are a huge pain in the ass. Basically they are breaks in the land right against the ocean, and instead of building a bridge over the gap, the road just follows them all the way down and around and then back up a big ass hill. Unfortunately I don’t have a good picture of one, but trust me, they are annoying.

Whence I came.

Whence I came.

I finally get to the town of Carmel and get some cell reception for the first time in a few days.



I then need to climb up a mammoth hill, at rush hour, on a four lane highway with absolutely no shoulder. This is pretty terrifying and exhausting, but eventually I get up the hill, and then glide down the other side into Monterey. I then check my cell phone to see where my campground for the night is. Turns out it is at the top of the hill. Nice.

I cry a little and then get back on the bike and go back up the hill the other way, and eventually get to Veteran’s Memorial Park. I check in and set up my tent. I quickly notice that they other people at the hiker/biker spot seem to be long term residents there, and a little crazy. I then notice that there appears to be some sort of drug deal going down between two of the residents. You can imagine that this makes me a little uneasy. I get into my tent, but am then overwhelmed by the smell of marijuana, which actually made me feel much better. Homeless people on pot are a lot less frightening than homeless people on meth or crack or whatever else it could have been. Suffice it to say that I stay in my tent and get to sleep pretty early.

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Written by in: America,Everything |

1 Comment »

  • Greg says:

    It’s about time you got some kilometers up on your blog! I just got back to Phoenix from Vancouver, so I’m adapting back to mileage again.

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