
Day 24 – American Canyon, CA – Rio Vista, CA (Brannan Island State Recreational Area) – Back on the Road – mostly.

50 miles in 4 hours – Max Speed: 38.5mph

The day dawned, and although I didn’t really want to, I knew it was time to move on and begin the next phase of my trip. I finished updating my website in the morning, had a massive breakfast, and then proceeded to pack everything up. When I finally had absolutely no possible way to procrastinate further I left and started back out on the road.



Where trains go to die.

Where trains go to die.

Bud. Wei. Ser.

Bud. Wei. Ser.

I use Google Street View pretty frequently to see how rideable roads appear, and I saw that highway 12 looked like a great road to take. I went up the main street through American Canyon until I hit highway 12, and then proceeded to take that for the next 40 or so miles to Rio Vista – or so I thought. Highway 12 was a great road to take for the first 20 or so miles, and then all of a sudden they erected jersey barriers in the lane and put blockers in the middle, so that it was physically not possible for me to fit with a car, and cars could not pass. It actually because physically impossible to ride that road. I really have no idea what in the world California is thinking.

Not the part I complained about, but just another example of the state randomly forcing me into the travel lanes of the highway for no reason. Idiots.

Not the part I complained about, but just another example of the state randomly forcing me into the travel lanes of the highway for no reason. Idiots.

Thanks. Though this section did not have the stupid plastic barriers in the middle of the road.

Thanks. Though this section did not have the stupid plastic barriers in the middle of the road.

I got off the road ASAP and took a dirt path next to the road for a while, which is never fun fully loaded. I finally found a way around, and took a cross street up to a gravel road which I took for the last 10 miles into town.

I am in the middle of nowhere.

I am in the middle of nowhere.

Note: The following two videos are almost unwatchable because of the wind, sorry about that, I considered not posting a video today, but wanted to get something up. Sorry again for the quality. At least the wind was a tailwind!

Stop signs.

Stop signs.

Once I was done marveling at the county/state for spending millions of dollars to do all this work for nothing, I grabbed some dinner in town. I then went over a pretty narrow bridge, and down to my campgrounds for the night, the Brannan Island State Recreational Area. I set up, and relaxed for a few hours.

A campsite visitor. He was the size of a large horsefly, but I don't think he was.

A campsite visitor. He was the size of a large horsefly, but I don't think he was.

I had been talking to Tim and Tim, so I knew they were coming as well. Sure enough, they showed up, and we all had dinner and went to bed.

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Written by in: America,Everything |

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